The Charges Tab


A "charge" is defined as a recording of a service procedure or CPT code into a patient's file for services performed or rendered. It is from the charges tab that you will be able to add/edit/delete these services from your patient's files. After charges have been posted to the patient's file, you are ready to bill the insurance carrier and/or patient.

The charges tab contains a number for components that you should be familiar with, such as the charges list. Use the table below as an explanation of the charges list and some of it's key features.  

For step-by-step help on adding/editing charges with QuickPractice, click here.

  •  Charge Date - This field displays a list of all visit dates that have been recorded inside the patient's file.
  • Case - This field display the case any particular visit date is linked to.
  • PMT History - Highlight any charge/visit date and then click this Payment History button to view a list of all payments that have been applied to it.
  • Where Rendered - This field will display the service facility any particular visit date is linked to.
  • Pat Chg - This field will display the portion of the charge that has been posted to the patient's side of the balance.
  • Pat Bal -  This field will display the patient balance that is still owed for a highlighted/selected charge date.
  • Ins Chg/Bal - This field will displace the portion of the highlighted charge that was posted to the insurance's side of the balance.
  • Ins/Bal - This field will display the insurance balance that is still owed for a highlighted/selected charge date.
  • Total - This field will display the total (combined pat/ins) charges that were posted for a highlighted selected charge date.
  • Total/Bal - This field will display a total balance that is still owed for a highlighted/selected charge date.
  • Pat Charges - This field will show a dollar sum of patient charges for all visit dates seen in the list.
  • Ins Charges - This field will show a dollar sum of insurance charges for all visit dates seen in the list.
  • Total Charges - This field will show a combined sum of charges for all visit dates seen in the list.  
  • Count - This field display's a count of all visit dates seen in the change date list.
  • Dates - Use this filter to quickly filter what visit dates appear in the visible visit dates list. (note: this filter will also affect your pat/ins totals seen at the bottom of the screen).  
  • From/To - Use this filter to specify a more specific date range to be included in the visible charge dates list.
  • Specific Case - Use this feature to filter the charges dates list by a specific case type.


When you highlight a visit from the charge date list you can quickly view the details for each single CPT/HCPC/service code that was posted on that date. To the right of the charge date list, the "services grid" displays important information regarding each individual service. Use the table and screen shot below to familiarize yourself with each column seen in the "services grid".

  • Prv - Displays the initials of the provider who rendered the services for the displayed line item.
  • Clm# - Displays claim number the service is linked to if it has been billed.**
  • From - Displays beginning date for the date of service.
  • To - The end date for the date of service.
  • Place of Service - Displays a special insurance code used to indicated where the services were rendered (11 = Office, 21 = Outpatient Hospital, etc.).
  • EMG - Abbreviation for "emergency".  Displays an EMG code if required (rare).
  • CPT/HCPCS - Displays the description of the CPT/HCPC/Procedure codes that were used.   
  • Modifier - Displays any modifiers that were attached to the CPT/HCPC codes.
  • Dx Code - Displays all four diagnosis codes that were linked to the services when the charges were posted.
  • Patient Charge/Balance - Displays the patient charge on the line item and the remaining balance.
  • Insurance Charge/Balance - Displays the insurance charge on the line item and the remaining balance.
  • Days or Units - Displays the number of days/units for each service line.
  • EPSDT Family Plan - abbreviation for Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment. This column displays the EPSDT code if required on the service line (rare).
  • Supplemental information - Displays any supplemental information codes linked to the service line.

**Note: Clm# might also read "to-bill" if the service has not been billed, or "non-ins" if the service is linked to a non-insurance type case.