Appointment Calendar
The Appointment Calendar preferences tab is where you find controls that affect the way your appointment calendar functions. Although you can customize many of the settings for the appointment calendar in this area, you will still need to refer to your appointment calendar list to set up any resources, locations and appointment types. To learn how to set up this area of your appointment calendar, click here.

Refer to the following screenshot and table as a reference for each preference and it's function.

  • Hours of Operation - Specify an open/close time for every day of the week. Dates outside of these parameters will not be included on the "VIEW" report you run from the appointment calendar.
  • Default Interval for Appointment Grid - Lengthen/Shorten the default time slots for your appointment calendar grid.
  • Fill Occupied Cells in Grid - Toggle on/off the option to fill cells occupied by an office-type appointment.
  • Fill Character - Chose a character from your keyboard with which to fill cells occupied by an office-type appointment.
  • Number of Appointments Allowed in Each Zone - Specify the number of appointments allowed for each cell. (max 2 recommended).
  • Numb of Days to go Back for Missed/Canceled - Specify the number or days back the missed/canceled appointment report will include. Days that fall outside of this range will not be included on the report.
  • Include today? - Include the current day's appointments on the missed/canceled appointments report.