The Service Facilities
After you have created your practice you will need to generate a list of service facilities.
After you have created this list, a master list of service facilities will be available to you when you enter your charges. What ever service facility you choose when entering a charge will populate to box 32 on a CMS-1500 form.
To enter a service facility, follow the steps below.
1. Click to the Lists menu and select Service Facilities.
2. A window entitled Lists - Service Facilities will appear. Click on the Add button that is displayed on the toolbar near the top of the window.
3. An Add window will appear.
4. Begin typing in the information. Enter the appropriate information for service facility Name, Address 1, Address 2, and any other fields you wish (remember that town, state and zip have separate fields). Commas will be added by the system automatically when the address is displayed/printed as a whole. If you wish to add your group NPI or EIN number for box 32A on a CMS-1500, you may do so now by filling in the Identification Code field and selecting the appropriate qualifier from the drop down.
5. Click on the Next button if you wish to enter another service facility. Otherwise, click the OK button. You will return to the Lists - Service Facilities window, and the facility you just entered will be displayed.
When you have finished entering information for service facilities, click the Close button on the Lists - Service Facilities toolbar.