Re-Assessing Service Lines
Sometimes, you might wish to apply a patient or insurance-type payment that is greater than the balance shown on service line. Instead of transferring a piece of the balance from the insurance responsibility to the patient responsibility, or vice versa, you can sometimes allow the software to "re-assess" the service line as you simultaneously apply the payment.
When "re-assessing" service lines, the software ware will "pull" outstanding balances from one side of the responsibility to the other, without using the transfer feature, thus adjusting the charge in a way so that the service line appears to have been recorded correctly when it was initially entered into the system.
! IMPORTANT: The Re-Assess feature only works when you are applying a payment for which the amount to be applied is greater than the balance shown on either the patient or insurance responsibility. In order for the software to automatically re-assess a service line, there must be a adequate balance on the opposite side to be "pulled over" as the payment is applied.
Follow the steps below to see how the re-assess feature works.
1. Make sure you have selected a patient for which there are both outstanding insurance and patient balances on the same date of service.
2. Navigate to the Payments Tab and click the Add button as if you were to record a payment.
3. Specify the Payment Method, Amount and Date.
4. In the Apply field on the service line, type in an amount that is greater than the balance shown.
5. If there is an adequate balance shown on the opposite side of the patient or insurance responsibility, the software will automatically re-assess the original service line in order to accept the amount you are trying to apply.
6. Click the Record button. You will notice that balances that were previously shown opposite to that of which you have applied the payment, have now been moved.
Note: If there is not an adequate balance opposite to that of which you are trying to apply the payment, the re-assess feature will not work. You can never apply a payment that exceeds the total combined insurance/patient balance.