The Accounts Receivable Report

The Accounts Receivable Report (or Patient Aging Summary) will display a summary of any outstanding charges in your patient files. Use this report to determine what charges remain outstanding as well as the length of time those particular charges have had a past-due status.
To generate an Accounts Receivable Report, follow the steps below.

1. From the Reports menu, choose Accounts Receivable. The blank report will be displayed.

2. This report provides various options. From the drop down menu you can choose to view data that was entered within a bracket any one of the automatic dating options specify -- such as This Week-to-Date or Last-Year-to-Date. From the Filters screen, you can use a more specific date range by choosing to view data that falls within the "To:" and "From" dates you pick by using the calendar function. Also, from the Filters screen, you can view data relevant to the Patient, Provider or Case Type you specify.

3. Click the Print button to print.