Setting Up and Customizing Appointment Calendar Resources

In QuickPractice, an appointment calendar resource is defined as an individual, entity or location for which a patient appointment can be scheduled. Typically, resources take the form of providers, office rooms, or both -- even within the same practice file.
Whenever you build a new data file through the new practice wizard, your appointment calendar resources are automatically created for you. These resources will match the providers names you indicated during the new practice wizard and will be displayed at the top of the appointment calendar grid. See the screen shot to the right.
Under Appointment Calendar Lists, you can also add and remove resources to appear on your appointment calendar. You will need to edit this list in the event that you add a new provider to your practice file under Practice Info.
To add/delete appointment calendar resources, follow the steps below.


1. Click Lists>Other>Appointment Calendar>Resources
2. Once you have opened the Resources list, click the Add button. The following list appears.
3. Type in the name of the resource you wish to add and click OK.
4. If you wish to delete an existing resource, highlight the resource name and click Delete.
Note: If you have prior appointments linked to an existing resource, you will not be able to delete the resource without first deleting the relational appointments. If you simply want to hide the resource from your appointment calendar and reports, simply Edit the resource and place a check mark next to Make Inactive..


When creating or editing resources, you can also specify times on the appointment calendar for which that resource is available. Time slots outside of these specified hours will be blocked out and users will be unable to schedule appointments during those hours.
To specify available resource hours for new/exiting resources, follow the steps below.

1. Click Lists>Other>Appointment Calendar>Resources
2. Once you have opened the Resource list, highlight the existing resource and click Edit. The Edit screen will appear
3. At the bottom of the Edit window, click New.
4. Type in the name of the resource hours/shift (example, morning hours, afternoon hours etc).
5. Specify the Start Time and the Stop Time. Hours between the perimeter you specify here will be available for scheduling appointments.
6. If you wish, you my pick a color for these available hours. The appointment grid will be shaded the color you chose during the hours you specify.
7. Chose a specific location for these hours to apply, or simple use All Locations.
8. Place a check mark next to each week day you wish these hours to apply to. Days not checked will not be affected by the changes you make here.
9. Click OK to commit changes to your resources.
10. Besides choosing a color for available hours, it is recommended that you chose an "Off-Time Color". The appointment calendar will be shaded the color of your choosing during those hours that are not available, indicating to the user that an appointment cannot be scheduled for that time.
11. If you wish to add another sperate set of available hours for the same resource, you may. Doing so will effectively split your appointment grid into different "shifts" inside the same day.
12. Click into the appointment calendar and click Refresh to view the changes you have made.

            Before Editing Resources

After Editing Resources