The Payments Screen


The Payments tab  is where you will work to reduce patient and insurance balances by entering payment, transfer and adjustment (write-off) transactions. Use the following image and table as a guide to navigating the payment entry tab.

To learn more about adding and applying payments, click here. Refer to the following screenshot and table as a guide for navigating the payments tab.

The Payments grid dsplays information pertinent to each individual payment transaction.

  • Date - Date on which the payment was entered into the system.
  • Amount - Dollar amount of the payment transaction.
  • Method - Payment method by which the payment was entered into the system (cash, check, credit, insurance payment etc).
  • Check # - If used, displays the patient or insurance check #.
  • Memo - If used, displays the memo typed into the payment screen when payment was entered.
  • QuickBooks Deposit - If used, displays the QuickBooks deposit #. Click here to learn more about how you can integrate your QuickPractice software with QuicBooks.


  • Add - Click to add a new payment.
  • Edit - Click to edit an existing payment already entered into the system.
  • Delete - Click to delete an existing payment.
  • Dates/From/To - Use these fields to exclude payments from the list that do not fall within the specified date ranges.
  • Specific Case # - Use this feature to filter the payments list by a specific case it was applied to.
  • Charge History - Highlight any given payment and click this button to view all of the charges it was applied to.


  • Payments - Displays the total patient, insurance and combined payments.
  • Write-Offs - Displays the total patient, insurance and combined write-offs (adjustments).
  • Transfers - Displays the total patient to insurance, to patient and combined transfer transactions.
  • App Credits - Displays the total patient, insurance and combined credits that have been applied to outstanding service balances.
  • Refunds - Displays the total patient, insurance and combined credits that have been refunded (adjusted) from the system.