Patient Preferences

The Patient Preferences are accessed from the Patient File and unlike Practice Preferences, the selections you make here will only affect a single patient file.

Refer to the following screenshot and the corresponding diagram as a reference for each preference item and its function.

   Patient Preferences - Billing


  • Patient Super Bills On - Check to permanently exclude this patient's name from any patient bills.
  • Patient Statements On - Check to permanently exclude this patient's name from any patient statements.
  • Insurance Billing On - Check to toggle on/off insurance billing. Removing the check mark will result in the patient being skipped in any generate insurance batches.
  • Insurance Tracers On - Check to toggle on/off insurance tracers. Removing the check mark will result in the patient being skipped when any tracer letters are generated.
  • Electronic Billing Off - Check to toggle on/off electronic billing. Removing the check mark will result in the patient being skipped whenever insurance batches are sent electronically.
  • Do Not Bill Carrier 2 or 3 - Check to prevent secondary insurance claims from being printed whenever insurance batches are generated.
  • HCFA-1500 Box 24e - Only Primary DX Code Pointer - Check to force the software to only specify the primary diagnosis code pointer in box 24e on the HCFA insurance claim (medicare).
  • Address Pat Super Bill To: - Select from the list what entity to address the bill to (patient, guarantor, insurance carrier etc)
  • Address Pat Statement To: - Select from the list what entity to address the statement to (patient, guarantor, insurance carrier etc)
  • Address Ins Claims To: - Select from the list what entity to address the insurance claim to (patient, guarantor, insurance carrier etc)
  • Address Ins Tracers To: - Select from the list what entity to address the tracer letter to (patient, guarantor, insurance carrier etc)






     Patient Billing Preferences - Payment Info

    • Payment Method - Specify a default Payment Method for this patient, to be used whenever receiving payments.
    • Credit Card No - Specify a default credit card number to be used whenever receiving payments.
    • Name On Card - Type the name on the credit card.
    • Address - Type the address of the credit card holder.
    • Zip Code - Type the zip code of the credit card holder.