Patient Forms

There are several useful forms that can created using the Professional version of QuickPractice. At the bottom of this section you will find a list with a description of each form.

Refer to the instructions in the table below as a guide for generating the desired form.

1. From QuickPractice click the Forms menu.

2. Highlight the desired form. Example: chose Excuse Slip. The following window appears:

3. Select the date to be printed onto the form.

4. If you wish to generate the form for only one patient, click the checkbox labeled Specific Patient and chose the patient from the list.

5. To generate the form for all patient's linked to one provider, click the check mark next to Specific Provider and chose the provider from the list.

6. Place a check mark next to All Patients to print the form for every patient within your practice file (not recommended).

7. Click Preview to see the form before you print it.

8.To print the form without a preview, click Print.


Below is a list of available forms and a brief description explaining what the form is used for.

  • Travel/Encounter Form - Generate a travel-encounter form for any selected patient.
  • Sign-In Sheet - Generates a patient sign-in sheet for your practice.
  • Fax Cover Sheet - Generates a fax cover sheet showing your practice information.
  • Letterhead - Generates a letter head for your practice.
  • Assignment Authorization - Generates an assignment authorization form for your practice.
  • Records Release Form - Generates a records release form for your practice.
  • X-Ray Release Form - Generates an x-ray release form for your practice.
  • Certificate of Professional Care - Generates a certificate of care with your practice information.
  • Disability Certificate - Generates a disability certificate with your practice information.
  • Return to Work Order - Generates a return to work order with your practice information.
  • Excuse Slip - Generates an excuse slip with your practice information.
  • Consent to Treat a Minor - Generates a form giving consent to treat a minor.
  • Missed Appointment Policy - Generates a form explaining your practices missed appointment policy for a specific patient.
  • Verification of Non-Pregnancy - Generates a form verifying a non-pregnancy.