Patient bills are used to notify patients or their guarantors about balances that have accumulated from past services.
To view an example of a patient bill, see the bottom of this page.
To generate a bill for one or more of your patient's, follow the procedure below.
1. Click the
QuickLink at the top of the screen
2. OR click on the Billing menu and select Patient Billing. The following screen will appear.
3. Place the dot next to the Bills label.
4. Place the dot next to the Unpaid Charges label to bill for charges that still have balances.
5. Place the dot next to the Specific Visit Dates to show balances (even zero) for all service dates within that range.
6. Indicate which portion responsibility you want to print to the bill.
- Selecting Patient will result in the bill displaying balances that were giving to the patient (most common).
- Selecting Insurance will result in the bill displaying balances that were given to the insurance.
- Selecting Both will result in the bill displaying balances that were given to both the insurance and patient.
- Select Show Pat/Ins Separately if you want the bill to display these balances in sperate columns.
7. Place a check mark next to Include Diagnosis to print all diagnosis that were linked to the charges being billed.
8. Place a check mark next to Show Write Offs if you want the bill to display a column showing how much of the balance has been written off.
9. There are a number of selective settings that can help you to tailor which charges are printed and which are not.
- Place a check mark next to Specific Patient, Specific Provider, Specific Case Number or Specific Case Type to filter the printed document by any of these items.
- Place a check mark next to With Patient Balances = 0 to exclude patients that have a patient balance greater than zero.
- Place a check mark next to With Insurance Balances = 0 to exclude patients who have an insurance balance greater than zero.
- When billing for specific visit dates, place a check mark next to Only Balances Greater Than Zero to exclude those patient's who have a zero balance.
- Place a check mark next to Exclude Patient Status = Inactive to exclude patient's who have had their file set to inactive status under Patient Information.
10. Place a check mark next to either Include Custom Message or Print Patient's Next Scheduled Appointment to print either of these item onto the bill.
11. Place a check mark next to Record Note to Patient File to automatically create a time stamped file note inside the Patient Information file.
12. Click the Preview button to preview the bill before you print it, OR click the Print button to print the bill(s).
Below is an example of a patient bill. Notice that the bill only includes charges/services that were rendered. Neither payment nor transfer transactions are included.