The Patient Information File (page 2)

The second page of the Patient Information tab is where you can enter in additional information for your patient such as emergency contact info and alternate phone numbers. It is not always necessary that you fill in this supplemental information because none of it will map to a CMS-1500 insurance form created with QuickPractice. However, you may wish to complete some of these fields for your own record keeping purposes.

Use the guide below for determining what each field is used for.

  • Alt Phone 1 & 2 - Enter any alternate phone numbers the patient might use.
  • Email - Enter the patient's primary e-mail address to be used when generating emailing lists to be used with patient marketing tools.
  • Emergency Contact -  (name/address/city/st/zip/phone) - Enter a contact that can be reached in case of emergency.
  • Custom Checkbox 4,5,6 - These check boxes can be modified for any practice specific purpose. An example would be maybe Blood-Type or Body-Type. You can access and edit the custom field list by clicking Lists-> Other-> Custom Fields.
  • Custom Fields 4,5,6 - These fields can be modified for any practice specific purpose. An example would be maybe Blood-Type or Body-Type. You can access and edit the custom field list by clicking Lists-> Other-> Custom Fields.
  • Create Date - This field will display the date upon which the patient file was initially created.
  • Created By - This field will display the user name under which the file was created.
  • Last Edit - This field will display the date upon which the patient's file was last edited.
  • Edited By - This field will display the QuickPractice user's name under which the patient's file was last edited.
  • Double Click Here to Insert Photo- Double click in this field to browse for a photo or scanned image to be uploaded to the patient's file. (For example, you might wish to scan and insert the patient's insurance identification card).
  • Refresh - This button will re-access the database and update the information being displayed.