Lists Use In QuickPracitce
Below, you will find a list of other lists used throughout the software. Along with each description is an indicator noting where that list is primarily accessed inside QuickPractice.
- Appointment Calendar -
- Locations - Contains all appointment locations chosen from when creating a new appointment.
- Resources - Contains all appointment resources. Used to add providers/rooms onto the visible appointment grid.
- Appointment Types - Contains all appointment types chosen from when creating a new appointment.
- City, State, Zip - Area Codes - A list of City/State/Zip/Area code combinations, chosen from the Patient Information screen.
- Occupations - A running list of occupations, chosen from the Patient Information screen.
- Case Types - A list of insurance and non-insurance case types, selected in the Case Information screen.
- Referred By - A list of referral resources, chosen in the Patient Information screen.
- HCFA-1500 Box 10d - A list of items that can be selected for Box 10d on the CMS-1500 form. Chosen in the Case Information screen.
- HCFA-1500 Box 19 - A list of items that can be selected for box 19 on the CMS-1500 form. Chosen in the Case Information screen.
- Supplemental Information - A list of items that can be chosen to be used as supplemental information, chosen from the Charge Entry screen.
- Payment Methods - A list of payment methods that can be used inside the Payment Entry screen.
- S.O.A.P Note Listings - A list of pre-formatted S.O.A.P notes, chosen from the S.O.A.P notes screen.
- Billing Messages - A list of custom billing messages that can be printed onto patient bills and statements. Chosen from the Patient Billing screen.
- Provider Specialties - A list of provider specialties, chosen from the Practice Information screen.
- Custom Reports - A list of custom reports that have been installed into your software.
- Custom Marketing - A list of custom marketing tools that have been installed into your software.
- Custom Statistics - A list of custom statistics that have been installed into your system.
- Custom Forms - A list of custom forms that you have created using the custom forms editor.