The Payments Recieved Report
The Applied Credis Report will display a summery of all credits/credit memos that have been applied to charges showing on a patient's account.
To generate an Applied Payments report, follow the steps below:
1. From the Reports Menu choose the Applied Credits Report. The blank report will be displayed.
2. This report provides various options. From the pulldown menu you can choose to view data that was entered within a bracket any one of the automatic dating options specify -- such as This Week-to-Date or Last-Year-to-Date. From the Filters screen, you can chose to specifiy a more specific date range by chosing to view data that falls within the To and From dates you pick by using the calander function. Also, from the Filters screen, you can view data relevant to the Patient or Provider you specify.
3. Click the Print button to print out a copy of the report.