Adding Extra Cases

Using the professional and deluxe versions of QuickPractice, you can add multiple cases for single patients.
Adding multiple cases will help you to keep certain charges seperate from each other. For instance, you might wish to add charges that will be billed to a primary insurance carrier, while adding other charges that will be billed to a workers compinsation or group-insurance type payer. Once you have multiple cases for one patient, you will be able to chose which case you want to post the charge to.

To add multiple cases for single patients, follow the steps below.

1. From the Case Information tab, click the Add button seen under the patient's name on the left hand side of the screen.

2. If desired, enter a description of the case to help you differentiate it from Case 001.
3. After you have created a new case, you will need to add in all information from the Insurance/Coverage/Claim Data tabs. The information from this
case will be different from the information you  populated under the first case. Thus, insurance claims that you send for the charges linked to it, will
also be different. See the Charges section of this help menu to learn more about toggling between case numbers when posting charges.