Adding Batch Payments
One of the most powerful features of your QuickPractice software is it's ability to record "batch" insurance and payment-type payments.

Although any payment transaction, including write-offs and transfers, can be recorded in such batches, typically this feature is used whenever an insurance carrier issues a single check making payment for several different patient balances. In such a scenario dividing the check into portions and then recording each individual payment on a patient by patient basis can become tedious. Use the batch payment feature to save time and record multiple payments for multiple patients with a single click.

To record payments in a batch, follow the steps below.


1. Open any patient file and navigate to the Payments Tab or simply click the click the "QuickLink" at the top of your screen.

2. Click the Add button to open the Payment Entry screen as you would when entering individual payments.

3. Click the Batch button at the top right hand corner of the Payment Entry screen.

4. A list of outstanding balances will populate. To the right hand side of each service line, you will see each patient's name listed. You may filter this list of outstanding balances by individual insurance carriers. Use the drop down at the bottom of the payment screen to view balances linked to a single insurance carrier.

5. Select the appropriate payment method (most often this will be an insurance payment).

6. Type in the entire amount of the payment you wish to record.

7. On each service line, type in the amount to be applied to each outstanding balance in the Apply field. Note: In contrast to normal payment entry, batch payments must be fully applied. Credit memos cannot be created when recording batch payments.

8. If you wish to indicate a description for the batch payment, type it into the field labeled Memo.

9. After you have fully applied the payment, click the Record button.

10. If you do not wish to enter any further payments at this time, click the Leave button. Or, click the Batch button again to exit to a normal Payment Entry screen.